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Старый 30.01.2020, 22:53   #931
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Admin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant future
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Про сборку и кросс компиляцию http://cyber-place.ru/showthread.php...80%D0%BA%D0%B0
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 30.01.2020, 22:55   #932
Аватар для Admin
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Admin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant future
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Как вариант можно установить сервер на роутере и с гитхаба взять папку WWW
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.01.2020, 12:41   #933
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Сервер там уже uhttpd. Подсунул ему каталог www c https://github.com/Alx2000y/CyberWrt. Страничка отвечает "The requested URL /cgi-bin/luci/ was not found on this server."
Не пойму, где поправить, чтобы на /luci не лезло. Логов у uhttpd не предусмотрено, как я понимаю.


Развернуть для просмотра

root@Cyberbot:/www/cgi-bin# cat /etc/config/uhttpd
# Server configuration
config uhttpd main

# HTTP listen addresses, multiple allowed
list listen_http
list listen_http [::]:80

# HTTPS listen addresses, multiple allowed
list listen_https
list listen_https [::]:443

# Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS if possible
option redirect_https 1

# Server document root
option home /www

# Reject requests from RFC1918 IP addresses
# directed to the servers public IP(s).
# This is a DNS rebinding countermeasure.
option rfc1918_filter 1

# Maximum number of concurrent requests.
# If this number is exceeded, further requests are
# queued until the number of running requests drops
# below the limit again.
option max_requests 3

# Maximum number of concurrent connections.
# If this number is exceeded, further TCP connection
# attempts are queued until the number of active
# connections drops below the limit again.
option max_connections 100

# Certificate and private key for HTTPS.
# If no listen_https addresses are given,
# the key options are ignored.
option cert /etc/uhttpd.crt
option key /etc/uhttpd.key

# CGI url prefix, will be searched in docroot.
# Default is /cgi-bin
option cgi_prefix /cgi-bin

# List of extension->interpreter mappings.
# Files with an associated interpreter can
# be called outside of the CGI prefix and do
# not need to be executable.
# list interpreter ".php=/usr/bin/php-cgi"
# list interpreter ".cgi=/usr/bin/perl"

# List of prefix->Lua handler mappings.
# Any request to an URL beneath the prefix
# will be dispatched to the associated Lua
# handler script. Lua support is disabled when
# no handler mappings are specified. Lua prefix
# matches have precedence over the CGI prefix.
list lua_prefix "/cgi-bin/luci=/usr/lib/lua/luci/sgi/uhttpd.lua"

# Specify the ubus-rpc prefix and socket path.
# option ubus_prefix /ubus
# option ubus_socket /var/run/ubus.sock

# CGI/Lua timeout, if the called script does not
# write data within the given amount of seconds,
# the server will terminate the request with
# 504 Gateway Timeout response.
option script_timeout 60

# Network timeout, if the current connection is
# blocked for the specified amount of seconds,
# the server will terminate the associated
# request process.
option network_timeout 30

# HTTP Keep-Alive, specifies the timeout for persistent
# HTTP/1.1 connections. Setting this to 0 will disable
# persistent HTTP connections.
option http_keepalive 20

# TCP Keep-Alive, send periodic keep-alive probes
# over established connections to detect dead peers.
# The value is given in seconds to specify the
# interval between subsequent probes.
# Setting this to 0 will disable TCP keep-alive.
option tcp_keepalive 1

# Basic auth realm, defaults to local hostname
# option realm OpenWrt

# Configuration file in busybox httpd format
# option config /etc/httpd.conf

# Do not follow symlinks that point outside of the
# home directory.
# option no_symlinks 0

# Do not produce directory listings but send 403
# instead if a client requests an url pointing to
# a directory without any index file.
# option no_dirlists 0

# Do not authenticate any ubus-rpc requests against
# the ubus session/access procedure.
# This is dangerous and should be always left off
# except for development and debug purposes!
# option no_ubusauth 0

# For this instance of uhttpd use the listed httpauth
# sections to require Basic auth to the specified
# resources.
# list httpauth prefix_user

# Defaults for automatic certificate and key generation
config cert defaults

# Validity time
option days 730

# key type: rsa or ec
option key_type rsa

# RSA key size
option bits 2048

# EC curve name
# Curve names vary between mbedtls/px5g and openssl
# P-256 or P-384 are guaranteed to work
option ec_curve P-256

# Location
option country ZZ
option state Somewhere
option location Unknown

# Common name
option commonname 'OpenWrt'

# config httpauth prefix_user
# option prefix /protected/url/path
# option username user
# option password 'plaintext_or_md5_or_$p$user_for_system_user'


Развернуть для просмотра

root@Cyberbot:/etc/init.d# cat uhttpd
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jo-Philipp Wich




append_arg() {
local cfg="$1"
local var="$2"
local opt="$3"
local def="$4"
local val

config_get val "$cfg" "$var"
[ -n "$val" -o -n "$def" ] && procd_append_param command "$opt" "${val:-$def}"

append_bool() {
local cfg="$1"
local var="$2"
local opt="$3"
local def="$4"
local val

config_get_bool val "$cfg" "$var" "$def"
[ "$val" = 1 ] && procd_append_param command "$opt"

generate_keys() {
local cfg="$1"
local key="$2"
local crt="$3"
local days bits country state location commonname

config_get days "$cfg" days
config_get bits "$cfg" bits
config_get country "$cfg" country
config_get state "$cfg" state
config_get location "$cfg" location
config_get commonname "$cfg" commonname
config_get key_type "$cfg" key_type
config_get ec_curve "$cfg" ec_curve

# Prefer px5g for certificate generation (existence evaluated last)
local GENKEY_CMD=""
local KEY_OPTS="rsa:${bits:-2048}"
local UNIQUEID=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=4 | hexdump -e '1/1 "%02x"')
[ "$key_type" = "ec" ] && KEY_OPTS="ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:${ec_curve:-P-256}"
[ -x "$OPENSSL_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$OPENSSL_BIN req -x509 -sha256 -outform der -nodes"
[ -x "$PX5G_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$PX5G_BIN selfsigned -der"
[ -n "$GENKEY_CMD" ] && {
-days ${days:-730} -newkey ${KEY_OPTS} -keyout "${UHTTPD_KEY}.new" -out "${UHTTPD_CERT}.new" \
-subj /C="${country:-ZZ}"/ST="${state:-Somewhere}"/L="${location:-Unknown}"/O="${commonname:-OpenWrt}$UNIQUEID"/CN="${commonname:-OpenWrt}"
mv "${UHTTPD_KEY}.new" "${UHTTPD_KEY}"
mv "${UHTTPD_CERT}.new" "${UHTTPD_CERT}"

create_httpauth() {
local cfg="$1"
local prefix username password

config_get prefix "$cfg" prefix
config_get username "$cfg" username
config_get password "$cfg" password

if [ -z "$prefix" ] || [ -z "$username" ] || [ -z "$password" ]; then
echo "${prefix}:${username}:${password}" >>$httpdconf

append_lua_prefix() {
local v="$1"
local prefix="${v%%=*}"
local handler="${v#*=}"

if [ "$prefix" != "$handler" ] && [ -n "$prefix" ] && [ -f "$handler" ]; then
procd_append_param command -l "$prefix" -L "$handler"
echo "Skipping invalid Lua prefix \"$v\"" >&2


local cfg="$1"
local realm="$(uci_get system.@system[0].hostname)"
local listen http https interpreter indexes path handler httpdconf haveauth

procd_set_param respawn
procd_set_param stderr 1
procd_set_param command "$UHTTPD_BIN" -f

config_get config "$cfg" config
if [ -z "$config" ]; then
mkdir -p /var/etc/uhttpd
rm -f ${httpdconf}
config_list_foreach "$cfg" httpauth create_httpauth
if [ "$haveauth" = "1" ]; then
procd_append_param command -c ${httpdconf}
[ -r /etc/httpd.conf ] && cat /etc/httpd.conf >>/var/etc/uhttpd/httpd.${cfg}.conf

append_arg "$cfg" home "-h"
append_arg "$cfg" realm "-r" "${realm:-OpenWrt}"
append_arg "$cfg" config "-c"
append_arg "$cfg" cgi_prefix "-x"
[ -f /usr/lib/uhttpd_lua.so ] && {
local len
config_get len "$cfg" lua_prefix_LENGTH

if [ -n "$len" ]; then
config_list_foreach "$cfg" lua_prefix append_lua_prefix
config_get prefix "$cfg" lua_prefix
config_get handler "$cfg" lua_handler
append_lua_prefix "$prefix=$handler"
[ -f /usr/lib/uhttpd_ubus.so ] && {
append_arg "$cfg" ubus_prefix "-u"
append_arg "$cfg" ubus_socket "-U"
append_bool "$cfg" ubus_cors "-X" 0
append_arg "$cfg" script_timeout "-t"
append_arg "$cfg" network_timeout "-T"
append_arg "$cfg" http_keepalive "-k"
append_arg "$cfg" tcp_keepalive "-A"
append_arg "$cfg" error_page "-E"
append_arg "$cfg" max_requests "-n" 3
append_arg "$cfg" max_connections "-N"

append_bool "$cfg" no_ubusauth "-a" 0
append_bool "$cfg" no_symlinks "-S" 0
append_bool "$cfg" no_dirlists "-D" 0
append_bool "$cfg" rfc1918_filter "-R" 0

config_get alias_list "$cfg" alias
for alias in $alias_list; do
procd_append_param command -y "$alias"

config_get http "$cfg" listen_http
for listen in $http; do
procd_append_param command -p "$listen"

config_get interpreter "$cfg" interpreter
for path in $interpreter; do
procd_append_param command -i "$path"

config_get indexes "$cfg" index_page
for path in $indexes; do
procd_append_param command -I "$path"

config_get https "$cfg" listen_https
config_get UHTTPD_KEY "$cfg" key /etc/uhttpd.key
config_get UHTTPD_CERT "$cfg" cert /etc/uhttpd.crt

[ -f /lib/libustream-ssl.so ] && [ -n "$https" ] && {
[ -s "$UHTTPD_CERT" -a -s "$UHTTPD_KEY" ] || {
config_foreach generate_keys cert

[ -f "$UHTTPD_CERT" -a -f "$UHTTPD_KEY" ] && {
append_arg "$cfg" cert "-C"
append_arg "$cfg" key "-K"

for listen in $https; do
procd_append_param command -s "$listen"

append_bool "$cfg" redirect_https "-q" 0

for file in /etc/uhttpd/*.json; do
[ -s "$file" ] && procd_append_param command -H "$file"


procd_add_reload_trigger "uhttpd"

start_service() {
config_load uhttpd
config_foreach start_instance uhttpd
Serg76 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.01.2020, 12:57   #934
Аватар для Admin
Регистрация: 12.04.2010
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Admin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant future
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Поищите, в теме выкладывались настройки сервера
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.01.2020, 14:48   #935
Junior Member
Регистрация: 16.01.2020
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Подсунутый /www увиделся. На страничке Модулей пусто, поиск не ищет, "доступно 0". Наверно git не тот, к репозиторию cyber-place нет подключения. Я в этом слабо разбираюсь. Попробую более свежий git https://github.com/melsem/opi-zero-cyberwrt

Подсунул новый /www, теперь другое дело.

Последний раз редактировалось Serg76; 31.01.2020 в 17:03.
Serg76 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.04.2020, 12:57   #936
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Возможна ли адаптация CyberWRT для OrangePi Zero?
DenisovS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26.04.2020, 19:14   #937
Аватар для Admin
Регистрация: 12.04.2010
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Admin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant future
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Возможна, но кто этим будет заниматься?
Проект заброшен и больше не развивается
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.04.2020, 06:21   #938
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Сообщение от Admin Посмотреть сообщение
Возможна, но кто этим будет заниматься?
Проект заброшен и больше не развивается
Вот так новость. А почему проект заброшен? что не срослось? Хорошая прошивка ведь!

Данную прошивку внедрил один человек в openWRT для ZERO
DenisovS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 28.04.2020, 02:59   #939
Аватар для Admin
Регистрация: 12.04.2010
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Admin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant futureAdmin has a brilliant future
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Заброшен, по причине отсутствия свободного времени.
Внедрить можно на любой OpenWrt, но без правок все равно не обойтись.
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.08.2021, 12:26   #940
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Valent is an unknown quantity at this point
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Получилось в результате установить CyberWrt на MR3020 v.3? Если получилось, не могли бы выложить инструкцию для тех, кто в танке?
Valent вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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